Join the Replit Builders community

A growing community for people building stuff on Replit (or wanting to).

Created by users of Replit, not the company, this is the place to show off your projects, discuss ideas, share bugs and feedback and get company news and updates.

While not an official community, there are Replit staffers active in the group.

There’s also a newsletter that goes out each week with a round-up of news, resources and project spotlights from the community.

Finally, there’s also a Reddit group.

Channels in the community

#general - For all your chit-chatting needs.

#building - Show everyone what you’re building with Replit.

#feedback-bugs - Report any bugs, or give feedback here. Good and bad.

Note: this channel is monitored by Replit staff who may respond and offer help, but it’s not an official support channel.

#news-updates - Find out what’s going on with Replit lately.

#inspiration - Uses of Replit found in the wild.

#tutorials-resources - Anything to help you use Replit.